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BY Luiz Girotto
Many people live the present thinking about the future and completely forget about the past. All areas of human knowledge have followed this trend, making predictions abo
BY Luiz Girotto | Tayron Karlos
Brazil is facing an economic scenario of fiscal crisis, leading the Federal Government to devote its efforts in order to mitigate the severe consequences of this [...]
The social security contribution is not charged on the constitutional one-third salary bonus and job permanence bonus of civil servants. The reason is that these sums hav
Law is one of the ways of considering ourselves human. The phrase is not an axiom; it is real and true. In the matrix of human behavior, there is an “onto”.
No ano passado, quando a Procuradoria Geral da Fazenda Nacional (PGFN) identificou os primeiros processos de bancos contestando a cobrança da Cofins em tramitação
Em março de 2017 Luiz Girotto, sócio fundador do escritório Velloza&Girotto Advogados decidiu se separar da firma depois de 25 anos de união e abrir seu próprio escritório.[...]